SPOTLIGHT - ListView Report


Window Placement Techniques
Listview Report by Brent Thorn
Enhancing Liberty Basic [Array Handling]
The Road to Release
Formatted ListBox


The spotlight features a quick demo that Brent Thorn posted to the Liberty Basic list in early July. It demonstrates the creation of a listview control with multiple columns. The code is pretty advanced, but it can be easily utilized in a drag and drop fashion and it relies on several well encapsulated functions.

Here is the code. There may be a line wrap or two, so I have also included a clean version in the attached Project zip file.

Have fun, and thanks Brent.
(Brent can be reached at:

'ListView Report Example
     'by Brent D. Thorn, 7/2002
Call InitCommonControls
Open "ListView Report Example" For Window As #1
     #1 "TrapClose [Quit]"
'set style = LVS_REPORT + LVS_SINGLESEL + 
     dwStyle = _WS_CHILD + _WS_VISIBLE + 1 + 4 + 8 + 32768
     hLV = CreateListView(_WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, _
     dwStyle, 0, 0, 175, 150, hWnd(#1), 0)
Call InsertColumn hLV, 0, "English", 75
     Call InsertColumn hLV, 1, "Español", 75
Restore [Data]
     Read E$, S$: I = 0
     While E$ <> "EOD"
     Call InsertItem hLV, I, E$
     Call SetItem hLV, I, 1, S$
     Read E$, S$: I = I + 1
     Close #1
     Data "One", "Uno", "Two", "Dos", "Three",      "Tres" 
     Date "Four", "Cuatro", "Five", "Cinco"
     Data "Six", "Seis", "Seven", "Siete",      "Eight", "Ocho"
     Data "Nine", "Nueve", "Ten", "Diez"
     Data "EOD", "EOD"
Sub InitCommonControls
     struct LVCOLUMN, _
     mask As ulong, _
     fmt As long, _
     cx As long, _
     pszText As ptr, _
     cchTextMax As long, _
     iSubItem As long, _
     iImage As long, _
     iOrder As long
     struct LVITEM, _
     mask As ulong, _
     iItem As long, _
     iSubItem As long, _
     state As ulong, _
     stateMask As ulong, _
     pszText As ptr, _
     cchTextMax As long, _
     iImage As long, _
     lParam As long, _
     iIndent As long
     End Sub
'The next line wraps and will need to be put back together
     Function CreateListView(dwExStyle, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight,hWndParent,      nID)
 CallDLL #user32, "GetWindowLongA", _
     hWndParent As long, _
     _GWL_HINSTANCE As long, _
     hInst As long
 CallDLL #user32, "CreateWindowExA", _
     dwExStyle As long, _
     "SysListView32" As ptr, _
     0 As long, _
     dwStyle As long, _
     x As long, _
     y As long, _
     nWidth As long, _
     nHeight As long, _
     hWndParent As long, _
     nID As long, _
     hInst As long, _
     0 As long, _
     CreateListView As long
     End Function
Sub InsertColumn hLV, iCol, Text$, cx
     LVCOLUMN.mask.struct = 2 + 4 'LVCF_WIDTH + LVCF_TEXT = cx
     LVCOLUMN.pszText.struct = Text$
     CallDLL #user32, "SendMessageA", _
     hLV As long, _
     4123 As long, _ 'LVM_INSERTCOLUMN
     iCol As long, _
     LVCOLUMN As struct, _
     r As long
     End Sub
Sub InsertItem hLV, iItem, Text$
     LVITEM.mask.struct = 1 'LVIF_TEXT
     LVITEM.iItem.struct = iItem
     LVITEM.iSubItem.struct = 0
     LVITEM.pszText.struct = Text$
     CallDLL #user32, "SendMessageA", _
     hLV As long, _
     4103 As long, _ 'LVM_INSERTITEM
     0 As long, _
     LVITEM As struct, _
     r As long
     End Sub
Sub SetItem hLV, iItem, iSubItem, Text$
     LVITEM.mask.struct = 1 'LVIF_TEXT
     LVITEM.iItem.struct = iItem
     LVITEM.iSubItem.struct = iSubItem
     LVITEM.pszText.struct = Text$
     CallDLL #user32, "SendMessageA", _
     hLV As long, _
     4102 As long, _ 'LVM_SETITEM
     0 As long, _
     LVITEM As struct, _
     r As long
     End Sub


Window Placement Techniques
Listview Report by Brent Thorn
Enhancing Liberty Basic [Array Handling]
The Road to Release
Formatted ListBox