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The SCAN statement causes Liberty BASIC to stop what it is doing for a moment and process Windows keyboard and mouse messages.  This is useful for any kind of routine that needs to run continuously but which still needs to process button clicks and other actions.  In this way, SCAN can be used as an INPUT statement that doesn't stop and wait.
    'scan example - digital clock
    WindowWidth = 120
    WindowHeight = 95
    statictext #clock.time, "xx:xx:xx", 15, 10, 90, 20
    button #clock.12hour, "12 Hour", [twelveHour], UL,_
                           15, 40, 40, 20
    button #clock.24hour, "24 Hour", [twentyfourHour], UL,_
                           60, 40, 40, 20
    open "Clock" for window_nf as #clock
    print #clock, "trapclose [quit]"
    print #clock.time, "!font courier_new 8 15"
    print #clock.12hour, "!font ariel 5 11"
    print #clock.24hour, "!font ariel 5 11"
    goto [twelveHour]
    if time$ <> time$() then
        time$ = time$()
        gosub [formatTime]
        print #clock.time, formattedTime$
    end if
    scan    'check for user input
    goto [timeLoop]
    hours = val(left$(time$, 2))
    if twelveHourFormat = 1 then
        if hours > 12 then
            hours = hours - 12
            suffix$ = " PM"
            if hours = 0 then hours = 12
            suffix$ = " AM"
        end if
        suffix$ = ""
    end if
    formattedTime$ = prefix$+right$("0"+str$(hours), 2)
    formattedTime$ = formattedTime$+mid$(time$, 3)+suffix$
[twelveHour]  'set up twelve-hour mode
    twelveHourFormat = 1
    time$ = ""
    prefix$ = ""
    goto [timeLoop]
[twentyfourHour]  'set up twentyfour-hour mode
    twelveHourFormat = 0
    time$ = ""
    prefix$ = " "
    goto [timeLoop]
[quit]  'exit our clock
    close #clock

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