Liberty Basic is develeopped by Carl Gundel
Original Newsletter compiled by Alyce Watson and Brosco
Translation to HTML: Raymond Roumeas

The Liberty Basic Newsletter - Issue #30 - MAR 99

In this issue:

  1. "I wanna be an alpha tester for version 2.0!"
  2. Creating DOS batch files, by Robert Oakes

In future issues:

This newsletter is only as good as its subscribers and their contributions! Although the editors have plenty of ideas, the best ideas always come from YOU! Please offer suggestions for topics you would like to see here. Also, if you have something to contribute, we love to see guest authors!

Email with your ideas, please

1) "I wanna be an alpha tester for version 2.0!"

As you probably already know, Carl hopes to begin alpha- testing of Liberty BASIC version 2.0 in the very near future. To avoid receiving too many duplicate bug reports, he will have a limited number of testers. When the beta version is ready, he promises that it will be available for public testing.

What is the difference between and alpha and a beta version?

An alpha version of a program is still very much a work-in- progress. It is NOT finished, or even nearly finished. There will be known bugs and also the distinct possibility of a "crash and burn" during testing. Interfaces will not yet be finished, so parts of the program will have a raw or awkward look.

A beta version of a program is very close to completion. All routines should be in place and working. The interfaces should now have a finished and professional look. A "crash and burn" is not as likely. There may still be some bugs that haven't been found or fixed yet, and there will probably not be an up-to-date helpfile.

A tester will need to try out all of the new functions under different conditions and see how they work. If something doesn't work correctly, it should be reported as a bug. To correct the problem, Carl will want to know, in concise terms, what was done that caused the problem, and just how the problem manifested itself. A sample code snippet containing the problem routine would be very helpful.

A tester should give Carl his opinion of the way the new functions are set up. He should tell Carl if anything seems difficult to understand or use, or is ambiguous.

A tester can suggest improvments, as long as they are within the scope of the new version of LB. Suggesting that it be 32-bit (for example) is not helpful! Do not become angry if Carl does not use your suggestions.

A tester should be willing to devote time to the testing.

2) Creating DOS batch files, by Robert Oakes

Bob has written a clever program to teach batch file creation. It will also create the needed batch file for you! Just run the program to create your batch file. If you want to see, step-by-step how the file is created, run this program in DEBUG mode. Check the box at the bottom of the Trace window that says ON TOP. Then click the STEP button to step through the code and see just how the batch file is created.

Thanks for a great tutorial, Bob!

' By Robert Oakes 3/9/1999
'A is file nothing more then a text file with
'command line or lines, saved as *.bat
 'Dos will take a bat file and execute the command
'or commands line by line.
note$(1)="1-Right Click on your BAT file, select Properties."
note$(2)="2-Select Program in the Properties box."
note$(3)="3-Copy the CMD line to the Working: line"+chr$(13)+_
" all but the name of the bat file."
note$(4)="4-Select a short cut key if you want one."
note$(5)="5-Select Minimized in the Run: line."
note$(6)="6-Click the Close on exit box."
note$(7)="7-Change the Icon if you like."
note$(8)="8-Click the Apply button."+chr$(13)+_
" There will be a Dos short cut created"+chr$(13)+_
" you can move it to your Program menu or the desk top."
for n=1 to 8 : Note$=Note$+note$(n)+chr$(13) : next n
notice "Look at the top of the dialog box's for Prompts"
prompt "Type the type of file to run bat or tkn" ; typeFile$
abc=instr("bastkn",lower$(typeFile$)) : if abc=0 then [endProgram]
'---Name your bat file
prompt "Type Name for Your "+typFile$+" File"; batName$
if batName$="" then [endProgram]
'---Get the Liberty Basic folder path
filedialog "Select Liberty.exe", "*.exe", LB$
if LB$="" then [endProgram]
' this will get just the path, from the filedialog output
while x.a<>100:x.a=instr(LB$,"\",x.b)
if x.a=0 then x.a=100 else x.b=x.a+1
wend : x.a=0
LB$=left$(LB$,x.b-2) ' path to Liberty Basic program
Driv$=left$(LB$,3) ' the drive LB is on
'---Get the name of the bas or tkn file to be run
filedialog "Select "+typeFile$+" file to run", typeFile$, runbas$
if runbas$="" then [endProgram]
'---Get the name of the folder to save the bat or tkn file to
filedialog "Select Folder to Save the files TO", batName$, savebat$
if savebat$="" then [endProgram]
if lower$(typeFile$)="*.tkn" then [basFile]
[again] ' make a bat file to run the bas file
'---Create the bat file
open savebat$+".bat" for output as #1
print #1, "CD\" 'move dos to the root directory
print #1, Driv$ 'change dos to the drive LB is on
print #1, "CD "+LB$ 'change to the directory LB is in
print #1, "liberty -r -m -a "+runbas$ 'run in the LB directory
close #1
'---How to set the bat file options
notice "With Windows 95&98"+chr$(13)+Note$
[endProgram] ' get you out of a mess
notice "Your information is not complete, Program will close!!!"
' Create a bas program to run the tkn file
open savebat$+".bas" for output as #1
print #1, "nomainwin"
print #1, "run "+chr$(34)+runbas$+chr$(34)
print #1, "end"
close #1
' now create the bat file to run the bas file
runbas$=savebat$+".bas" : goto [again]

Newsletter compiled and edited by: Brosco and Alyce.

Comments, requests or corrections: Hit 'REPLY' now!